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Apprenticeship Myth #3

Myth #3 Apprentices Require More Supervision

Apprenticeships.  A time-tested pathway to nurture and develop skilled professionals in various industries. One persistent myth though is that apprentices need more time and oversight from management in comparison to that of other employees. In this post, we will be deep diving into debunking this myth and explaining why apprentices are more than capable of being quite independent and very productive contributors in the workforce.

apprentices require non stop supervision

Apprentices Need nonstop supervision.

Very similar to any other new hire or junior employee, apprentices do not place a continuous burden on their supervisors.  They necessitate guidance and feedback as they acquaint themselves with their new roles. But, as the apprentice gains experience, their need and reliance on direct supervision naturally wanes, enabling them to operate with greater autonomy.

managing apprentices is tedious and time consuming.

Supervising apprentices does not inherently consume any more time than supervising other employees. Employers acknowledge the potential of apprentices and commit to their growth, appreciating the long-term advantages this investment brings. Numerous supervisors find the experience of working with apprentices to be personally fulfilling, as they relish the role of mentors who guide and shape the upcoming generation of professionals.

apprentices are built to last
apprentices are slow

Apprentices are unproductive and slow.

This notion that apprentices are unproductive and slow is unfounded. Apprenticeships programs are carefully crafted to offer hands-on training, enabling individuals to acquire real-world experience and attain proficiency quickly in their roles.  As time progresses, apprentices will become more and more efficient, productive, and a truly indispensable contributor to the organization’s overall objectives.

they are very prone to errors.

Apprentices engage in a meticulously planned training process designed to equip them with the essential skills and knowledge required for their designated roles. With the steady guidance and support of experienced mentors and supervisors, they become proficient in executing their tasks with precision and efficiency. Similar to any workforce member, apprentices recognize the value of learning from their mistakes, a practice that contributes to their continual improvement over time.

apprentices are prone to errors
apprentices are resourceful


there is a lack of resourcefulness and autonomy.

Just like previously mentioned, apprentices have the potential for independence and initiative. Moreover, numerous apprentices are extremely motivated and willing to learn how to contribute to their teams.  Although they may require guidance and support initially, apprentices can quickly adapt to their new role and be able to then take on more responsibility.    

myth busted | Apprentices do not require more supervision.

The notion that apprentices necessitate an excess of management and oversight is a widespread misconception that fails to withstand scrutiny. Apprenticeships offer a structured learning journey and a clear path towards professional development, enabling individuals to evolve into competent, self-reliant employees. While apprentices will definitely benefit from initial guidance and mentorship, they swiftly evolve into valuable contributors to the workforce, much like any other employee. It’s vital to recognize that apprentices do not represent a burden but rather an investment in an organization’s future, bringing with them fresh talent and innovative perspectives. If you are contemplating an apprenticeship, you can emerge as a highly skilled and self-reliant professional in your chosen field with the right training and mentorship.